German Drop offers a diverse selection of shipping options for eCommerce sellers, encompassing air, sea, and train transportation.

  • Upon product shipment from the warehouse, tracking numbers will be generated and seamlessly synchronized with both the GD app and your Shopify store.
  • If you've activated the send tracking number notification function in your Shopify store, your end clients will promptly receive their tracking numbers.
  • This empowers customers to monitor their shipment's status and offer feedback if needed, fostering a trusted and transparent relationship between you and your customers.
  • Furthermore, it enhances customer loyalty and contributes to building a positive brand image.
  • Our automated system intelligently matches the most suitable shipping line, providing feedback on shipping time and prices.
  • This streamlines the process, saving you valuable time that would otherwise be spent comparing different shipping options and making decisions.
  • Matches are based on factors such as product weights, sizes, and average shipping budgets.
  • If the shipping time or price does not meet your expectations, feel free to contact your sales manager for complimentary adjustments to ensure your requirements are met.

We offer worldwide shipping, ensuring timely and reliable delivery to your end clients regardless of their location.

German Drop facilitates shipping for a wide range of products, ensuring comprehensive coverage for all your shipping needs.

  • 1
    Contact your designated sales manager to communicate your order requirements and shipping preferences.
  • 2
    Once all order information is synced with the German Drop automated system, you'll receive comprehensive details regarding.
  • 3
    You retain the flexibility to fulfil or modify shipping lines based on your review.
  • 4
    Rest assured, every parcel benefits from our after-sales guarantee, ensuring prompt delivery to your customers.

Enjoy premium shipping services with German Drop

German Drop processes over 20,000 parcels daily with a delivery success rate exceeding 99%. Join German Drop to access tailored shipping solutions for your destination, and propel your business forward with German Drop Logistics.

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