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How to Navigate Your German Drop Affiliate Account?

Upon approval of your request, you will receive a unique referral link that can be shared across various channels. Next to the exclusive link will be displayed the amount of all commissions you have earned.

Note: You can customise your referral link suffix here, but it must be 10 characters or fewer.

The sections below include commission record, invitee, and commission tiers. You can see all your commission records in the 'commission record’ area.

You will have direct access to track the number of clicks and registrations generated by your referral link within the 'Invitee' page.

Within our 'Commission Tiers' are the evaluation rules for commission tiers and additional collaboration opportunities we've established. If you have alternative ideas for cooperation or inquiries about our Affiliate Program, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via affiliate@germanydropde.com or through your dedicated sales representative.